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Mer information om uttagningsprovet för allmänna tjänstemän finns på EPSO:s webbplats: Såväl i medlemsländer som i länder utanför EU. * European Personnel Selection Office 1. You will find details on how to apply for any of these contract types and the current positive trend in the epidemiological situation within the EU, EPSO is now  Europaparlamentets generalsekretariat, liksom majoriteten av EU:s generalsekretariat: olika karriärmöjligheterna inom EU:

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FAQ frequently asked questions. Contact Monitoring the Application of European Union Law 2019 Annual Report . Enforcing environmental rules . In 2019, the Commission continued its legal action to combat a, which remains a ir pollution priority. The Commission also promoted implementation through discussions with the Member States on this important topic – a . clean air dialogu The early application process for existing UK approval holders ended on December 31, 2020. Lists of related approvals are available in the ‘Downloads’ section of this page.

Applications on Extranet portal EP applications require 2-step verification If accessed from your private device, these applications require a first authentication on the EP Network Access Service.

EU careers : The European Personnel Selection - Europa EU

Mr. You can modify the content of your application(s) for the CAST Permanent selection procedure and upload or update your CV within your EPSO Account at any time. Don't forget What are the duties of a Contract Agent in the EU Instit All application/s for EPSO/CAST/P/1-4/2015 (CAST for Executive Agencies) validated by 25.11.2016 (noon Brussels time) were automatically migrated to the   Do you want to know if you are eligible to apply for an EU career? On this page, you will find out what the minimum eligibility criteria are for applying to an EU  Make sure to update your application every six months in order to remain Only shortlisted candidates will be invited, via their EPSO Account, to book and sit a  6 days ago Please note that the number and type of tests candidates take vary according to the competition type and level for which they apply.

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Application number.

To consult the EASO Application Guidelines, please click here. The specific privacy statement for recruitment can be found here.
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Europa epso application

However with the creation of the EPSO CAST, you can send in your applications anytime you want to … Spontaneous Applications. Should you be interested in working with the ERCEA and have submitted an application to EPSO, please manifest your interest by sending your CV and a motivation letter to the functional mailbox. Conditions of Employment. The ERCEA is an Executive Agency of … Walk-through on how to complete your EPSO application.

European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) Open competition EPSO/AST/1/04 You may send any questions to the European Parliament by e-mail (, but please check first that the information you want is not … EUROPEAN PERSONNEL SELECTION OFFICE (EPSO) NOTICE OF OPEN COMPETITION EPSO/AST/71/08 (2008/C 238 A/01) The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising the following admission tests and open competition, based on tests, to constitute a reserve from which to recruit ASSISTANTS (*) (AST 3) in the field of publications production V (Announcements) ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES EUROPEAN PERSONNEL SELECTION OFFICE (EPSO) NOTICE OF OPEN COMPETITION EPSO/AST/65/08 (2008/C 154 A/01) The European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) is organising an open competition, based on qualifications 2007-03-20 After the closing date for applications, you may not change the languages in which you have chosen to take the tests. All EPSO's communications to candidates for this competition will be in English, French or German. You may address EPSO in any official EU language.
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Revisorer som arbetar för EU Referens: EPSO/AD/322 - Etene

The Foundation will contact you directly. When writing your application you are asked for your motivation to work for the EU. Giving EPSO good reasons for why you would like to pursue an EU career can be a daunting task. Nobody wants to write cliché stuff or "jiberish", so this can be a real thought-exercise for anyone taking it seriously (and we do recommend taking it seriously!). - Fletcher - Facebook


The questions delivered within the self-assessment are no longer part of EPSO's item bank and will therefore not be … application . on line. once they have created their EPSO Porta. All subsequent communication takes place via EPSO Porta, which applicants are required to consult on a regular basis. EPSO prepares a validated database of applicants who fit the competence profiles and qualifications as set out in the call for expression of interest. Epso, from the communication of staffing needs by the institutions to Epso up until the publication of reserve lists of laureates but excluding an assessment of the profiles and competences of the individuals selected from the audit scope.